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What is GiftAcoffee?

It's an initiative that invites you to take solidarity action, based on trust. It consists of a prepay coffee for someone who can not afford to buy a cup of coffee.

Arose in Naples, Italy, with the name of "Caffe Sospenso" and thanks to social networks, it has been extended to several countries, with very good response from people.

​If you want yo particpate with GiftAcoffee please follow these steps...

We are a group that we want this beautiful initiative to be presented in every corner of the U.S., thus forming a more cohesive and inclusive society. It's time to rebuild confidence in the other, it's a long process, but we will make the change.

 We want to bring this initiative to the society so that everyone who wants to, can join and participate. We can give the bases, information and support, to every local and/or volunteers who are working to make GiftAcoffee reaches those in need.

 We want to create a nationwide network with groups in different regions. What do sums?

 We appreciate your cooperation and we are very happy that slowly this beautiful charity project is carrying out.


Order your coffee or food and when you ask for the bill, you tell the waiter / cashier that charges you a GiftAcoffee. Usually that's all! If a person in a situation of extreme poverty or homeless, have cold or hungry, he or she can come and ask if there are any GiftAcoffee.

Because of you, it will be waiting for them.

Thank you!


 If you want to join as a volunteer or have a coffee shop, tavern or restaurant, send an email to

 We will solve your doubts through our e-mail and social networks (Facebook and Twitter).



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